Sunday, May 24, 2009

Helping Out the Neighbors (Real World Application of CrossFit Part 2)

Today, while helping a neighbor move some heavy furniture and a piano, I really got to see how training the deadlift has immense practical and real life applications. The deadlift is such a basic and prolific technique that I am surprised that so few people know how to do it correctly. From lifting a child up from the ground, to picking up the groceries to helping a neighbor move his piano, the deadlift is a daily staple in everyones life.

For me personally I have found that many of my back problems have disappeared due in large part to training the deadlift. From my grip, to my vertical leap, to my posture, the positive results of frequent deadlift training are apparent wherever I look. Following is a link to a CrossFit Journal article by Coach Greg Glassman about the deadlift and how it is such an important exersize for people of ALL ages to learn.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Hot For Teacher Library WOD (Real world application of CrossFit part 1)

My wife is a librarian and on Friday she needed a hand in moving a bunch of text books from one location to another. Now, when I say "a bunch" I really mean, in all likelyhood over 2000 pounds worth of boxes stuffed with science text books. So, I did what any decent CrossFitter crazy enough to dream would do. I created a WOD out of the task! Soon after eyeballing the stack of boxes in the storage closet I yelled out 3-2-1 GO! and I was doing weighted relay sprints! It was a lot of fun, but I would have rather have done it in compression / board shorts rather than a collared shirt and jeans. I even had my kids get in on the action. I loaded up a few carts with a few hundred pounds of books and had them push it down the hall.

Next up, part 2 in the series, Max 1 rep effort of piano moving!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Do you know when to use "a" or "an"? This article will help you decide.

CoWorker Lunch WOD


My coworker flaked on me but I didnt want to miss out on being outside today. I did yesterday's main site WOD

4 Rounds of 400M Run and 50 squats

My time 15:00

Today I am planning on taking my coworker through the following WOD.

200m run
15-12-9 of
ring rows
dumbell presses
200m run

This will be our benchmark WOD that we will revisit in a month to see what kind of improvements have been made. Very excited!

CrossFit Road Warriors WOD 5-20-09

Yesterday's WOD was supposed to be 3 rds of the following triplet...20 each of 135# backsquat, 1.5 pood (53#) kettlebell swings, pullups. I ended up doing 2 rounds to take it easy on my shoulder. I completed 2 rounds in 9:35. The pullups and the swings did not bother my shoulder but holding the bar in the rack position was a little uncomfortable.

Blowing off the Cobwebs

So, I decided just a couple of minutes ago that I would restart my journal writing. I see that I have not posted anything since friggin 2007! Here we are about a year and half later and you may be wondering what I am up to. I know that I'm curious, so lets get right into it shall we? In 110 words or less, this is what I have been up to. 3-2-1 go!

Through complacency, I hit a low point in my life. Died to my old self, reborn and revitalized, I came out stronger than I have ever been, mentally, spiritually, and physically. Stepping out in faith we have a new church, new directions, new workouts, a new lease on life. Camp Pendleton Mudrun in 2 weeks, CrossFit Level 1 and Kids cert in 3. A love for my wife and kids that I thought I could never have. Toying with the idea of becoming a trainer / coach especially with kids. Shoulder impingement, PT work, pain, frustration. Excited and nervous about the future but not afraid of it.

So, there you have, all up to speed now? Good. Enjoy the show.